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Meet Nomva

Introducing our guest blog series from our friends and partners at Nomva! In this first installment, meet Nomva’s founders Caroline and Nina, and learn why they started their innovative company. As two companies that share the same vision of delivering healthy, fresh food to consumers, we’re excited to kick off this series together!

Food is fuel. And health. And fun. And part of a huge ecosystem of people and planet. At the end of the day, we didn’t want to compromise on our food, and don’t want you to either. So, we – two 21-year-old girls – came together to make better food.

Caroline & Nina

We’re Caroline and Nina, and we first crossed paths at Suja Juice. Caroline had run into a crazy team of surfing juice-makers in her first year of college. Within a year, that group had become a rocket ship company and Caroline had risen to the VP of Special Projects. Meanwhile, Nina was at Stanford learning about the incredible advancements the world was making. Both of us were continually amazed at how – in an age of self-driving cars and smartphones – it’s still so hard to live a fast paced lifestyle and stay healthy. Nina’s dad, Jeff Church, is the CEO at Suja and connected us. It was cofounder love at first sight. We shared a problem we were obsessed with – making the world happy and healthy – and had a lucky and bizarre amount of knowledge about the fresh food space. So we decided to focus on your food so you could focus instead on whatever you rock at doing in the world. We hit the kitchen and developed our flagship product line: Nomva probiotic super smoothies.

Each variable of our smoothies are made to maximize your health and happiness. We start with whole, organic fruits and veggies to deliver nutrients, along with their natural fiber, to keep you feeling full and prevent blood sugar spikes. Then we add in a no-brainer probiotic boost that you can’t even taste but your body will thank you for. In fact, our probiotic is so strong that consuming the probiotics in one Nomva every day for a week has been clinically proven to increase immunity and digestive wellness. We use high pressure processing instead of heat to keep our products safe, while also preserving more nutrients. All lovingly made in Los Angeles, Nomva is certified carbon neutral and packaged in a utensil-free pack that can move with you.

Our team is made up of nine people under the age of 30, and we live and breathe keeping you healthy and happy. As you kick off this New Year and plan all the amazing things you’re going to do for others and the world, we want you to know we have your back. Sneak one of these delicious smoothies into your daily routine and everything will be taken care of – no fine print, no supplements, and no slowing down necessary. This year, make time for food that deserves you. Make time for your daily Nomva. Come play with us @livenomva where we’re constantly curating tools and motivation for living your healthiest & happiest life. Full speed ahead 2017!

Nomva Kale Pack in the Taylor Farms fields