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Veggies Take Center Stage on the Plate

One of the food trends that we are enjoying right now is replacing heavy carbs with fresh veggies! No longer just a side dish, veggies of all kinds are taking center stage on the plate. One of our favorite adaptations of veggies as the star of the show is when they are spiralized into healthy, delicious noodles.

Taylor Farms Yellow Squash Noodles (available only for Foodservice customers right now) are not only luscious and nutty in flavor, with a hint of natural sweetness, but did you know that one cup of raw, sliced yellow squash contains only 18 calories, is a good source of Vitamin C, and is a powerful antioxidant? That sounds like something you’ll want to add to your menu!

Not sure what to do with this new product? Well, it’s so versatile that it can stand up to endless flavor and sauce combinations, but here’s a quick recipe video to see one of our favorite Yellow Squash Noodle dishes:

Looks delicious, right?

Check out how these Veggie Noodles are made.